Today I am celebrating Isaiah’s Table’s 4th anniversary of meeting on Saturday mornings. We began on April 12, 2012. There are so many stories to tell from these past 4 years. I could probably write a book.
Instead I want to celebrate the reflections from some of our founding leaders who labor with me on this incredible journey of faith. I think their comments tell of our transformation better than I ever could.
First, I also want to celebrate our updated website. There you can see some of what we’ve been doing and what we are planning to do. This website has a new look and a new feature- we have a way to accept donations online now! The link for this is: We have eight children who want to go to Vanderkamp this summer and your donation would help us make this a reality.
Thank you for your prayers and good wishes as we begin a new year of ministry at Isaiah’s Table: Grace, Hope, Food for All!
Nancy Wind, Coordinator
Reflections from our leaders:
- We at Isaiah’s Table are allowing our Lord to lead. It’s heart warming to see and I am glad for it. It’s an inclusive gathering of people from all walks of life that celebrate the message of Love.
- On Saturday morning, Isaiah’s table is where I want to be. I am just one of a gathering of people whom Jesus calls together for breakfast. Whether we’re serving or eating, staying for worship or not, Jesus is there as the host. We are young and old, different colors and backgrounds, from homes or the street, by car or by foot, long-time believers or non-believers. All are longing for The Kingdom when God makes things right. Sometimes the Kingdom seems far away and sometimes right here, on Saturday morning.
- Isaiah’s Table has been a great outlet for my interest in other people, apart from work or anything to do with what I do to benefit myself financially. I have SO many people in my life on a weekly basis that are important to me, but only the relationships at IT have lasting value in my pursuit of really defining what I find most important in life; faith in Christ, love of fellow humankind and building community.
- One of the most meaningful things for me about Isaiah’s Table is watching the community of faith grow person by person, week by week: having someone come for the very first time for breakfast, then come back, then come back and stay for part of the service, then come back and stay for all of the service, then come back and stay for the service and receive communion. This is what building a worshiping community looks like and I feel blessed to be a part of it.
- I am always amazed at the depth of sharing that happens during our sermon time, it humbles me to experience the faith of folks who have truly had their faith challenged. Two times (among many) when I witnessed God moments are: food coming in the door as we ran out and the day the police came and let the guy they were picking up stay for breakfast.
- We enjoy being a part of the ministry and mission of Isaiah’s Table- providing nourishment for the body and the soul- all in Jesus’ name.
- Isaiah’s Table has brought me the closest I’ve ever been in my lifetime to be a disciple of Jesus Christ, as we work to be a servant community with our neighbors. The parable of the Banquet happens every week as we enjoy the breakfast feast with people that normally had not been on my guest list. The generous and yet safe feeling of greeting and sharing encourages me that this is what God is calling us to do. I could not do this alone.
- I guess the best thing to write about is everyone’s reaction to asking if they have anyone that they want us to pray for during our worship time. So many have asked for prayers for their friends sitting right next to them! And some ask if is okay to have their name on the list. One gentleman asked me to keep him in our prayers for the next 6 months as he goes to rehab and tries to overcome his addiction. Mostly they want their family and friends.
- I feel as though I have grown so much in the past few years. When I have the opportunity to talk about church, I get really animated and excited. I feel like I am doing something that matters in this world and I am so happy, proud and humbled all at the same time. I have learned so much from everyone who attends on Saturday mornings.
- I used to feel “burned out” periodically from church leadership. Over the past few years this hasn’t happened. Instead Isaiah’s Table feeds my soul and energizes me. I can truly say I love this community of “misfits” that God gathers together each Saturday morning.