The Advent/Christmas/Epiphany season begins Saturday, November 28th at Isaiah’s Table. Below are some highlights of this special church season:
Special offerings– during the season we will continue to offer new socks and person hygiene items to our faith community. When supplies are such that we have enough donations for everyone present that day at the Table, we offer items to those coming for community breakfast. We will always welcome donations of socks (white cotton socks, especially men’s). We have also been able to offer winter boots to some in need, depending on what we have in stock. Again, donations toward this offering are always gratefully appreciated.
Worship– each Saturday this season Saturday morning worship will include the celebration of the Lord’s Supper. The Advent theme is “Traveling the Highway of Advent”. Instead of an Advent Wreath, we are lighting a candle on a road… representing different themes on the journey toward Bethlehem. The Young Children and Worship story for Advent is the focus for this journey, as well as the Advent study, Travel the Highways of Advent. Saturday December 26th will be a special “Christmas Carols” service- lots of joy and singing!
Spiritual Nurture– Wednesday nights will feature the Thoughtful Christian Study on Advent Hymns, O Come, O Come Emmanuel. Find out more about the study here. We will take a holiday hiatus from Wednesday evening gatherings on December 23 and 30.
Christmas Caroling and Fellowship Luncheon– Saturday December 12th will be a special day for our community of faith. We will go out into the neighborhood with gifts of fresh fruit as we sing Christmas Carols and spread Christmas cheer. We will finish the day with a Christmas Fellowship Luncheon.
Our Christmas Eve Service will be held Thursday December 24th at 7:00 pm. There will be much singing and candle light.
We hope to see YOU at the Table this season to join in the faith journey of Advent/Christmas/Epiphany!